Thanks to all the readers!

It’s been almost a month now since Resolver was released and I just wanted to send a big thank you to the many, many of you who picked up a copy of the book. It seems that you’re all quite traditional, as the physical book has outsold the digital by a lot!

The book’s launch party was great fun, with a good turnout and some surprises on the night. Huge props to Jonny Lynch for organising it. He released his Tome/Resolver parody novel, DETONATOR, I Hardly Know ‘Er - which is absolutely hilarious and a great read. I hope you like your books written in the style of an Animaniacs episode written by an actual maniac.

Pick up DETONATOR by Jonny Lynch on Amazon now and enjoy!

Once again - huge thanks to everyone who picked up RESOLVER. Extra, extra special thanks to Lisa Sieger, who was an amazing editor on the book too. THANK YOU!


Yes, that is me on the cover. Jonny is on it twice, because he has to win at everything.